Thursday, 22 April 2010

Private view Success at 'Art-next-the-sea' Gallery

'Wells Beach huts' by Louise Maclaren copyright 2010.

The private View went very well. It was my first time at this sort of exhibition and I was really nervous but surprisingly I had many positive comments about this piece of work! It really took me aback! You don't know often what kind of reaction you will get when you finish a piece of work!

'Somethings are meant to be' by Louise Maclaren copyright 2009. 

I went with my neighbor Saffron who does beautiful textile panels.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


'Some things are just mean't to be' by Louise Maclaren copyright June 2009.
Despite the 1986 moratorium which took effect the following year making the southern ocean a santuary, it was only considered voluntary and temporary.
25,000 Great whales have been killed since and under its Antarctic Research program Japan has killed 7,900 minke whales, 243 Bryde's Whales and Sei whales,as well as 38 sperm Whales, which it resumed hunting in 2000, the list goes on, see article from the independent Magazine 20.09 2008Posted by Picasa